Returning to Work After a Career Break

Tessa Armstrong’s Career Coaching Programmes will help you to make a smooth transition back to work

  • Are you returning to work after maternity leave?
  • Are you returning to work after sickness?
  • Are you returning to work after a career break?


Navigating the maze of careers when returning to work after a break can be challenging.

You may feel anxious or overwhelmed. You may be lacking in confidence and wonder whether you are going to be good enough. We can help smooth your transition from home to the work place through our career advancement coaching programme.

‘Looking for a brand new career seemed daunting and I thought it might feel like a chore, but after my phone sessions with Tessa I felt really energised and excited about all the possibilities open to me.

Tessa asked me exactly the right questions to guide me towards devising my own strategy for finding a new job, and helped me break it up into manageable and achievable chunks. Sometimes I feel that looking after my kids and day to day life gets in the way but knowing that someone will be regularly ‘checking in with you’ is very motivating and really helps me to focus.

Importantly Tessa demonstrated how important networking is to get real hands on experience, and she gave me the confidence to use the contacts I already have.’

Mrs S Poore, 2010


How can Tessa’s Career Coaching Programme help me?

Contact Tessa now using the link below and she will be happy to discuss your needs in a free career coaching consultation and provide more detail about how she can help you.