Career Coaching Services

Career Coaching Services for Individuals

Are you wondering whether a career change is right for you or wishing to return to work after a career break? Are you facing challenges at work or unsure how to get the promotion you have always wanted?  Are you struggling to achieve a good work-life balance?  We can work with you to help you make the best career-related decisions leaving you feeling happy and fulfilled.

“Tessa has offered me a very worthwhile coaching experience. After changing my employment due to having children and now with the prospect of them both attending school. I felt motivated to go out to work but I wanted to clarify my career path. I also had long term indecision about a future dream job as an alternative therapy practitioner.

Tessa’s strategy enabled me to keep focused and get clear about my interests, work experience and potential employment. She has coached me to uncover unhelpful long held beliefs/ thought patterns holding me back and given me solutions to work with. From a number of interests we have identified a subject I am passionate about and is a viable, exciting career option.

I have now secured casual employment with a wildlife organisation and booked my place on a naturopathic course. I feel confident in the direction that my career path is unfolding. I highly recommend Tessa’s coaching package.

(Anonymous, 18 December 2020)

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How will career coaching help me?

We can help you: career-coaching

  • Understand how you can pursue a satisfying and fulfilling career through an enhanced appreciation of your skills, interests and knowledge.
  • Develop a positive approach to your job search through a detailed exploration of career opportunities.
  • Resolve the challenges you face at work reducing feelings of stress and increasing your confidence as you gain control over the direction of your career path.




What Career Coaching Programmes are available? 

We offer individually tailored career coaching programmes which have helped hundreds of individuals pursue fulfilling and satisfying careers.   These programmes are carefully structured to meet and support your needs at whatever stage of your career. Click on the link below for a summary of our career coaching programmes.



Career Coaching Programmes




How will I know career coaching will suit me and which programme is best for me?

Contact Tessa Armstrong now using the link below and she would be happy to discuss your needs in a free career coaching consultation and provide more detail about how her career coaching programmes can help you. There is no obligation following the call as we understand that you need to make the best career-related decision for you.



Free Career Coaching Consultation