Request a Free Career Coaching Consultation

How will I know career coaching will suit me?

Which career coaching programme is best for me?

How much will a career coaching programme cost me?

“I had coaching with Tessa because I was feeling stuck in my role, unsure about my future direction and the next steps needed to get there.   Tessa’s programme has been incredibly useful because it has provided a clear structure and step-by-step process to work through these issues. Tessa has been very supportive and with her help I have achieved a lot over the course of the sessions. My thoughts are now much clearer about the direction I’d like to go in, and I have a solid action plan to take the next steps to move forward.” ( 20 October 2020)


Contact Tessa Armstrong now using the link below and she would be happy to discuss your needs in a free career coaching consultation and provide more detail about how her career coaching programmes can help you. There is no obligation following the call as we understand that you need to make the best career-related decision for you.